moving to the micro…

•September 9, 2009 • Leave a Comment

I am no longer using this to blog. You can roll on over to my micro blog. I don’t have time or desire to write novels, thus, micro blogging. Seeds are lighter than trees. It’s a Tumblr, yes, one that tumblres. Check it out at:


video of Kingdomstrations at uc san diego…

•May 22, 2009 • Leave a Comment

Check out some testimonies of what God is doing at UC San Diego. Jesus is good!


paypal purchase of luscious laughter dvd…

•May 20, 2009 • Leave a Comment

Above you will find a link for purchasing my new stand up comedy DVD, Luscious Laughter. Some of you were having some difficulties with paypal, so I hope this solves the issues.

cancer healed and goodbye crutches…

•May 9, 2009 • 1 Comment

It’s been awhile since my last post. Life has been out of control busy, but good. Here’s some very cool testimonies. Check it:

God is doing some incredible things and He is good…really good. A few weeks ago my family and I were over some good friend’s home for dinner. Our kids were playing around while we ate the best yellow fin tuna I have ever had in my life…seriously. It was literally caught that morning, so the freshness was at nuclear levels. The fish was talking to me it was so fresh…or perhaps I was hallucinating.

They talked about a friend who had stage 4 cancer. She was bed-ridden, immobilized, and had possibly a few weeks to live. Doctors basically said to get your life, etc. in order. Our friend was going to see her the next day to play guitar and sing over her. So, Cecilee and I prayed for our friend that Jesus would show up through her and would use her to heal this woman of cancer. Well, just got the email this morning that after she prayed for her, she is now up and about every day. She is going to church, eating out, and dressing herself, which she couldn’t do before at all. She’s also off ALL medication and treatment. Doctor’s say she has years of life left now. Hello Jesus. Jesus likes this woman, but hated her cancer.

Then a student at UCSD that we have been hanging out with who is crazy…good crazy. He actually believes the Bible and lives to mimic the teachings and actions of Jesus. So, whenver he is out on campus or in the city and sees someone who is sick or in pain, he prays for them. On the way to class he saw a girl on crutches. He offered to pray and after the prayer she tested it out by walking (many times as people test it out, it activates faith in themselves). After she did this, was better…50% better. So, he prayed again and she was 100% healed. She carried her crutches to class under her arm. She was tripping out. Hello Jesus. Love it!

It’s so cool to see faith in action. Faith is the currency of the Kingdom and we are the brokers. Jesus just calls us to step into spaces of impossibility that are immersed in great need and see the Kingdom invade. This is the normal Christian life. These testimonies are now yours. Revelation 19:10 says, “the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy”. You can claim these testimonies for your life, friends, and family. Believe that God wants to do this again…and again…and again.

Miracles, signs, and wonders speak of the nature of Christ. His nature is revealed through His actions. To not walk in power is to withhold from man the very encounter that would bring God praise. This is just the beginning of what is to come. We are contending for creative miracles at UCSD. The kind that will confound the wise and bring glory to Jesus. Step out in whatever context Jesus has put you in. Be a sheep among wolves depending desperately on the One who has sent you and expect His power to leak out. I am believing as people read this that God will heal others of cancer and broken bones. I  pray that others reading will go out and expect even greater things.

The gospel with demonstrations of the Holy Spirit’s power is good news…really good news.

luscious laughter: the dvd pre-order

•April 22, 2009 • Leave a Comment

It’s true, Luscious Laughter: the DVD is available for pre-order right now. This DVD is from a live comedy show I did this past October. It’s packed with nearly an hour of stand up comedy. The lighting and the video are very good quality. It’s not one camera and me standing in fluorescent lights. It’s mucho quality.

You can go to my website and pre-order through paypal. Firefox is the best browser to use for purchasing through the website, well, Firefox is the best browser period. It costs $15 and will be shipped for an extra $2.50. All the proceeds to help the children…well, my child and any future children.

The DVD will be coming off the presses in approximately 2 weeks. So, it will be shipping in 2 1/2-3 weeks. So, hurry and secure your copy today before it’s too late…just imagine the voiceover from monster truck gatherings in rural areas. You may think you need to purchase things like groceries,  various sundries, or pay your mortgage. Nothing is more important than purchasing this DVD. Ok, that’s a little sensational…just a skosh.

wilder project prayer team…

•March 28, 2009 • 2 Comments

This last week we had a team from Chi Alpha at the University of Arizona come to pray at UCSD. They are hooked into what is called the Wilder Project. Long story short: a student in the 1800’s (Robert Wilder) helped to usher in one of the largest student volunteer movements through sending teams to pray on universities around the nation. Some good friends of mine have started this grassroots student-led movement that is spreading…good stuff. So, these guys came for a couple of days to do that on our campus, which was very cool. After they got back to AZ, they sent an email with some details on what God did during their time. It is awesome. I met briefly with the team to give them a panoramic view of the campus, spiritual environment, and where we sensed God moving. One of those places being the LGBT. Here’s the email:

I wanted to share two incredible stories with you and if you that leaves you wanting for more, just ask!  On Thursday morning we made our way to UC San Diego to engage people in conversation about Jesus. There were six of us, 3guys and 3gals, so we paired off and set out to talk with any student that was willing to chat. By lunch time we met some really cool people that shared their battles with depression, fear of total commitment to Jesus, family needs and many of them let us pray for them. We met up with Brian Orme and left encouraged by all that God had already been conspiring on that campus. He shared with us some specific communities that we could pray for and shared stories of miracles and my team was inspired and ready to go back out. We prayed together then paired off again and this is where it gets real good!

Brian had asked us to be in prayer for the homosexual community on campus so we headed over to the LGBTC Resource Center on campus. I have to be honest, I didn’t want to go in there. What you have to know about me is that God has really given me a heart for this community so my weird reaction was humbling and confusing but I knew it wasn’t from Jesus. So I grabbed a coffee and waited hoping the Holy Spirit would give me an out but all it took was for Scott, a student to say, “let’s go in there,” and we did.

We walked into the Resource Center and immediately were greeted and offered a tour by the center’s director. It’s the kind of room where you can hear every word that’s being said so when the director asked us where we were from and what we were doing, we explained that we were on his campus to engage people in spiritual dialogue and share the love of Jesus. He looked at us somewhat perplexed and continued with the tour. Once we were done with the tour Scott and I were standing near some students and he began talking with them about being from San Francisco and an hour and a half later we were amazed at the conversation we had had. They asked us why we were there then looked at us amazed and said things like “I can”t believe you would come in here, that’s so brave.” They said that most “religious” people would never think to set foot in the center and they all agreed with sadness in their eyes that they “religion” offered them little. There were four students that openly shared about their spiritual background and gave Scott and I the opportunity to share how Jesus transformed our lives.One student shared that he was on a spiritual search since almost losing his life in Australia in a surfing accident. One of the guys shared that he was a Christian and kept saying  “I just can’t believe you guys are here, this is just so awesome.” After about an hour, we walked out of the center with two of the guys and asked if we could pray for them. The student that almost died in Australia asked if  we pray for his upcoming surfing tour. He said he believed that if anything were to happen to him he would be reincarnated again and again until he paid off his debt. It was here that we shared the hope that is Jesus and the redemptive character of God to change the past, present and future if we put our faith in Jesus and his work on the cross. He said that he would have to think about it more and we then we prayed for them both. Before we parted ways, the other student said that he wants to do what we did on a regular basis and even start a Bible study in the LGBTC Center!

Jump ahead to the next day and you’ll find our story taking place in the parking garage. We had stayed on campus longer than planned but like I said, God’s always conspiring. Two spaces over from us there was a little sports car with it’s keys sticking out of the trunk. In the car was a huge bag and a guitar hero set and other valuables in plan side. Since a joy ride was out of the question we decided that we would take the keys to the campus police and leave a note for the driver so he wouldn’t freak out. We were calling the police when the owner of the car appeared out of no where looking really frustrated. He described the keys we found and he thanked us for our help. This was clearly a divine moment so we asked him if we could pray for him and he said that he would love prayer for strength after a pretty horrific breakup. He was driving back down to Guatemala for the break and knew it would be hard. So we prayed and when we were through we noticed he was crying. We waited for him and he said that he felt like God was trying to get his attention because his roommate had been praying for him and he had felt compelled to read the Bible. He said he was a Christian but hadn’t really been close to Jesus for a while. You could tell God was really present and Chris (that was his name) was confronted with the nearness of God in that moment.  Before we left we encouraged him and told him that anytime he lacked strength he should remember that God brought 6 strangers from Arizona to find his keys as a display of his relentless love.

We were able to tell all these students about Origins (Brian’s group) as well as get their contact info so I look forward to what will come in time.

recent kingdomstrations…

•March 11, 2009 • 2 Comments

Here are some of the latest kingdomstrations that have happened. We did a training a little while ago at UCSD on hearing the voice of God, specifically, gift of prophecy and words of knowledge. One of the ways God can speak is through sensation. This is where you can feel a pain in your body very briefly that is for someone else to be healed. After our training one of the students went up to UC Irvine to hang with some friends. His hands and wrists starting hurting, so he threw it out there: “anyone feeling pain in your hands and wrists?” One girls says, “yeah, every day I feel pain”. He prays for her to be healed and around 10 days later him and I are on campus and he gets a Facebook wall message saying she hasn’t had one ounce of pain since he prayed for her. Hello Jesus.

I was on campus with this same student a week later and we were prayer walking outside of the LGBT. His ankle started hurting randomly for a very brief time. So he asked me what he should do. I said, “go inside and see who has an ankle that is hurting”. We started to walk into the LGBT and a girl and guy were walking out. He asks them if either of their ankles are hurting…neither of them were limping. The guy says, “how did you know my ankle was hurting, I had surgery on my ankle and it hasn’t healed correctly”. Our student just says, “well, God let me feel what you were feeling so I could pray that you’re healed, can I pray for you?” The guys says, “absolutely!”. He was prayed for and healed in that moment! Hello Jesus.

I met with a guy a few weeks ago who is an editor for a magazine. He mentioned how he loves to play stick ball downtown in Little Italy here in San Diego. But, he had a tendon removed from his calf and since that he hasn’t been able to play without major pain. I said, “you should be able to play stick ball”. I prayed that God would heal and give him a NEW tendon. I met with him today and he has been running and playing with ZERO pain. I believe Jesus gave him a new tendon. He was blown away. Hello Jesus.

One last one is from one of our students who posted the video of a woman being healed in a mall. Check it out at this link.

1 Corinthians 4:20- “the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk, but of power”. Not walking in power of God is to withhold the very encounter from man that would bring God praise. I love seeing the kingdom of God show up to see people healed, released from torment, and transformed. I cannot imagine doing ministry without the reality of the kingdom. The kingdom of God is to be demonstrated, not simply regurgitated. Simply talking about the kingdom can only bring philosophical results. Let’s show the kingdom.

declarations, testimonies, and LG action…

•February 27, 2009 • Leave a Comment

On Wednesday night we launched another Biosphere at UCSD. It was way coolio. We talked about how as sons and daughters of God we have a legal right to everything that is Jesus’ [Romans 8:14-17]. This includes every testimony that has been written or spoken in all of time. It’s our inheritance, so we can never say we don’t have cool testimonies. We all do. Also, when we minister to people, we can minister FROM our inheritance, which is limitless.

We also talked about the power of declaring the promises of God into an atmosphere. When we declare promises of God into any atmosphere, it is changed. Just as God spoke and it morphed environments and creation happened…and still is, we too, as we declare His words are creating an atmosphere. To close our time we went into a Eucalyptus grove on campus. Every time I have walked through this grove, it just doesn’t feel right. We have found out that voodoo dolls have been found in here and a few students have been raped in this grove recently. So, we went in and for around 20 minutes began to declare the words and promises of God. Things like: we declare students saved, students healed, students delivered, favor, and more. When we finished we all went our separate ways. One student named Sam told me the next day something very interesting happened as he was leaving the grove. He was behind a few students and overheard them talking about the Bible and then they said, “why did we just start talking about the Bible, this is weird”. As we declared the words of God, His presence filled the grove and those students walked right into it. The spiritual reality with which we commune in our hearts is the power released in our declarations.

Then last night we had our monthly large group gathering called Origins LG. It was awesome. Jesus showed up in power and touched students. Students shared testimonies of what God is doing. I love testimonies. Revelation 19:10 says, “the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy”. Everytime a testimony is shared, a spirit of prophecy is relased into the space so that God will do it again. The Hebrew root word for testimony means, “to repeat, to do again”. God’s words cannot be separated from His works. A testimony is about declaration and demonstration…or rather, re:demonstration.

You see, the less we talk about miracles, the lower our expectations to see them break out around us. The lower our expectations, the less we step into opportunities to see God show up. The less we step out, the less we see the miraculous and the vicious cycle continues. I don’t have time to focus on what isn’t happening around me, I must focus on what God is DOING. So, having a healthy diet of testimonies is good nutrition. Eat up.


•February 19, 2009 • Leave a Comment

Now that I have been living in San Diego for two months and have been on the UC San Diego campus, I have learned the overall spiritual climate of the campus. Many who come to visit the campus that are not from the area talk about two components: how intimidating it is and the fear of stepping out for God. It reminds of the spirit on Nebakanezer. One that says, “keep your mouth shut” and “don’t you dare step out”. The breakthroughs we are seeing on campus have two components: declaration and demonstration in very public settings. Many of the Christians on campus want to keep their faith to themselves. But, we are to be light and salt…seen and tasted.

The spiritual climate of UCSD is like the New Testamint cities Athens and Ephesus, or together it makes: Athephesus. UCSD is a fusion of the cerebreal and the spiritual. There is a strong spirit of humanism that elevates the human intellect into idol status, but there is also a strong hugner for spiritual things…even bizarre spirituality. Hence, a sun god on campus where the largest school sponsored event is hosted: the sun god festival, where thousands gather once a year to celebrate. In both Athens and Ephesus, Paul was very public with declaration and demonstration. It was a colloboration of saying and doing…like peanut butter and jelly…or hummus and pitas. Ephesus was the place where Paul saw the most dramatic and creative miracles. It was also a gateway to Asia. UCSD is primarily Asian.

We are praying for dramatic and creative miracles, signs, and wonders on campus. They will happen because Jesus said they would…even greater than He saw. He is just waiting for some of His kids to declare and demonstrate from their royal position in Him with the full backing of all the resources of heaven. With a place like Athephesus, I am not sure what else will change the atmosphere or silence that Nebby spirit.

So, we will continue to declare and demonstrate the kingdom of God. Praying for the sick, prophesying, calling forth the destinies of students and “theocaching”. Geocaching is the big hit of GPS treasure hunting. Theocaching is simply finding God’s treasure in students. Everyone has God’s treasure…some is harder to see, but it’s there. Pray for us as we continue to step out in the public space expecting the God of the universe to show up.

campus awakening…

•February 10, 2009 • Leave a Comment

This past weekend I was in Redding, CA at Bethel Church where I attended the very first Campus Awakening Summit. It was very cool. Banning Liebscher is a good friend and I made many more friends at the Summit. Love what is happening at Bethel and love the hearts of Banning and Erica for Campus Awakening.CA is the newly formed missional outreach to the secular university out of Bethel Church. They are targeting 30 strategic campuses in the next few years.

It was so interesting at this Summit to hear them talk about how they sense a new student volunteer movement emerging, but they don’t know what it is going to look like. I heard the same thing at the CPx weekend in Vegas with Campus Church Networks. I along with many others have been feeling a major tectonic shift happening that is going to usher in a new wineskin of university ministry. No one knows what it’s going to look like, but it’s coming. I believe it will be chaordic…immersed in chaos and order at the same time. Or another way of saying it could be “organic order”. The master plan, top-down, controlled approach will wane in this next movement. I believe some organizations will continue, but will have to radically evolve to keep pace with God’s revelatory wave.

While at the Summit a lot of revelation came to me for our campus UCSD. But, something that keeps sticking out to me is a phrase God downloaded to me. “If we steward the wilderness, we can be trusted with an abundance.” Many people never enter into an abundance because they steward the wilderness poorly. This can be through complaining, not taking action, or a host of other things. God doesn’t desire for us to just barely get by in life, He desires that we walk in abundance and that we bring that abundance into every environment we find ourselves in.

Another thing is that we are called to be Kingdom Environmentalists. Now, before you go hug a tree on the side of the road, I am not talking about simply caring for the Earth, which I think is a real good idea. No, I am talking about all the different environments we find ourselves in. Environments will shape us or we will shape them. We tend to forget or not fully comprehend the complex power that is in our lives through Christ. We literally carry with us the very presence that wielded the universe into existence. That means, as we steward His presence environments will be shaped no matter where or what they are. I find in university ministry there are two camps: one that looks at their campus as so dark and intimidating, which is being driven by fear. God’s not a big fan nor the source of fear. Then there are those who don’t focus on what isn’t happening, but what is. Jesus watched and listened for where the Father was moving and what He was saying. He shaped every environment He found himself in. He was not fighting for victory, He was fighting from it. He was pulling down the realm of heaven into the earthly realm, no matter what that realm was.

In Ephesians Paul talks about how we need to stand firm against the devil in chapter 5. But, we cannot fully do this until we first realize that we are seated with Christ in the heavenly realms in chapter 2. Notice Paul wrote to people who were ALIVE. That means right now in Christ, we live bi-dimensionally. We live from eternity on earth. So, we have all the backing and resources of heaven. It’s like the Verizon commercial with hundreds of people following you giving you great reception. If we will just step out expecting God to move, He is going to move. We really can live on earth as it is in heaven, because we are living in both realms at the same time. You might want to chew on that for a skosh with some mint tea…and perhaps a rasberry scone.