one-third fruity…

i have been pondering something lately after reading a book called organic church by neil cole. a pretty good read. anyways, he mentions about the parable of the soils. you know, when the seed is tossed out and some soil is a skosh pebbly and some extra weedy, etc. it’s so interesting in this parable that 2/3 of the soil is unfruitful and only 1/3 is fruitful.

so, when we are out on our mission fields chucking seed like the jolly green giant left and right, we can only expect a portion to really be fruitful and most to be unfruitful. sounds depressing doesn’t it? actually, it’s good news. we are guaranteed 1/3 fruitiness. many times leaders enter into the “what is wrong with me” or  rather, “what is wrong with these people” syndromes because most of the people they are investing in aren’t reproducing. part of the problem may be because the focus of the lens is on the unfruitful 2/3 instead of the fruitful 1/3.

how much more would the kingdom advance if we strategically focused on the seed that goes into delicious soil. i heard one leader put it this way, “i don’t see people as saved until they are bringing people into the kingdom of God, until then, we are working on their salvation”.  Jesus sent the disciples out in two’s to villages looking for the person of peace [luke 10]. if they entered a home that wasn’t receptive, Jesus didn’t say, “prayer walk around their home spraying the foundation with anointing oil while listening to hillsongs worship”, or “keep talking incessantly until they listen, don’t allow them to speak at all”. Jesus says to dust your feet off and move on.  in other words, look for the fruity ones and stay away from the prunes.

as we look to our new assignment: planting at uc san diego, we are specifically praying that God would show us the students of peace or as i call them: the gatekeepers. these are the ones who are receptive, have a lot of relationships, and have a reputation [good or bad]…actually, the bad reputation can be even more fruity in the end [i.e. legion demoniac who is immediately sent to reach his village…and does]. on campus, it could be the fraternity president that if reached, could literally bring dozens into the kingdom. maybe the early church advanced so quickly because they walked out this reality of searching for the fruity 1/3.  it isn’t rude to not focus on the unfruity 2/3…it’s Christ-like.

i am now going to eat some fruit…literally, some fuji apple…mmmm, succulent.

~ by ibrianorme on January 25, 2008.

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