a skosh of the uc san diego team…

here’s a glimpse into a portion of the uc san diego team heading down with us to bring some kingdom action. on the left you have delila and her husband jeremy who are expecting their first child in a couple of weeks. his name will be hero. then you have becca who recently graduated from uc davis and was the worship leader at the chi alpha there. big voice and big anointing. then finally, esther who also recently graduated from uc davis and has been a missionary associate with the chi alpha there. she will obviously be our asian equity into the 44% asian student population at ucsd.

all of these guys have had significant encounters with Jesus that confirmed going to uc san diego. i mean really crazy stuff…dreams, visions, prophetic words, etc. there are a couple of others who aren’t in the picture that are coming too, they are just invisible people…ok, they are visible only when there is a full moon. we couldn’t have hand-picked a better team. God did this one…really, He did. we are way blessed to have team members that are not only competent, but are hungry for Jesus and want to see His kingdom established through miracles, signs, and wonders. it is going to be a wild ride and we are thankful we have some friends to enjoy it with.

pray for them as they raise funds to be able to dedicate their full energies to the campus.

~ by ibrianorme on May 28, 2008.

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