cancer healed and goodbye crutches…

It’s been awhile since my last post. Life has been out of control busy, but good. Here’s some very cool testimonies. Check it:

God is doing some incredible things and He is good…really good. A few weeks ago my family and I were over some good friend’s home for dinner. Our kids were playing around while we ate the best yellow fin tuna I have ever had in my life…seriously. It was literally caught that morning, so the freshness was at nuclear levels. The fish was talking to me it was so fresh…or perhaps I was hallucinating.

They talked about a friend who had stage 4 cancer. She was bed-ridden, immobilized, and had possibly a few weeks to live. Doctors basically said to get your life, etc. in order. Our friend was going to see her the next day to play guitar and sing over her. So, Cecilee and I prayed for our friend that Jesus would show up through her and would use her to heal this woman of cancer. Well, just got the email this morning that after she prayed for her, she is now up and about every day. She is going to church, eating out, and dressing herself, which she couldn’t do before at all. She’s also off ALL medication and treatment. Doctor’s say she has years of life left now. Hello Jesus. Jesus likes this woman, but hated her cancer.

Then a student at UCSD that we have been hanging out with who is crazy…good crazy. He actually believes the Bible and lives to mimic the teachings and actions of Jesus. So, whenver he is out on campus or in the city and sees someone who is sick or in pain, he prays for them. On the way to class he saw a girl on crutches. He offered to pray and after the prayer she tested it out by walking (many times as people test it out, it activates faith in themselves). After she did this, was better…50% better. So, he prayed again and she was 100% healed. She carried her crutches to class under her arm. She was tripping out. Hello Jesus. Love it!

It’s so cool to see faith in action. Faith is the currency of the Kingdom and we are the brokers. Jesus just calls us to step into spaces of impossibility that are immersed in great need and see the Kingdom invade. This is the normal Christian life. These testimonies are now yours. Revelation 19:10 says, “the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy”. You can claim these testimonies for your life, friends, and family. Believe that God wants to do this again…and again…and again.

Miracles, signs, and wonders speak of the nature of Christ. His nature is revealed through His actions. To not walk in power is to withhold from man the very encounter that would bring God praise. This is just the beginning of what is to come. We are contending for creative miracles at UCSD. The kind that will confound the wise and bring glory to Jesus. Step out in whatever context Jesus has put you in. Be a sheep among wolves depending desperately on the One who has sent you and expect His power to leak out. I am believing as people read this that God will heal others of cancer and broken bones. I  pray that others reading will go out and expect even greater things.

The gospel with demonstrations of the Holy Spirit’s power is good news…really good news.

~ by ibrianorme on May 9, 2009.

One Response to “cancer healed and goodbye crutches…”

  1. Man I’m dumbfounded by the cancer testimony! Jesus is in a real good mood for sure =D Thanks Brian!

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