
last night i watched the newly added gameshow national bingo night on abc. yes, an action-packed show keeping you on the edge of your seat…or sanity. as the show began i went to my computer and printed off bingo game cards in red, white, and blue, that way i could play along and possibly win.

the white card game started and i had the first two numbers in a row. another one…another…i was one number away from winning. i was imagining the prize of $50,000 or the trip for two to the NBA finals.  cecilee was sleeping, so i had to wake her to tell her the electrifying news of my possible bingo victory. the show was about to end and only one more number would be pulled. i could taste the tenderness of triumph. i waited with the patience of a bald eagle looking for a rainbow trout to nibble on. the number came out of the two-story sphere and it was my number i21! i won!

i ran to the computer to claim my prize. once logged onto the website the power to our entire block went out. i was just about to find out what prize was mine…technical bitterness set in. the power came back on and i logged on and yes it said, “congratulations, you’re a winner”. i could almost hear the virtual cheers and confetti. i would be on the Jay Leno Show asked about how it feels to be the first at-home winner of National Bingo Night…back to reality…the next page loaded to inform me that my winning card code would be put into a drawing for one of three prizes…1) trip for 2 to the Indianapolis 500, 2) trip to 2 to NYC to a VIP showing of the View, 3) $50,000…what?!

i wasn’t alone in my winning. there were most likely 6,543,098 other winners with the same number. so, i have to wait until monday night to find out if i win. oh please number 3…going to watch the View is more punishment that a prize and watching cars drive around a track in hellish heat is not my idea of enjoyable. so, come quickly #3…come quickly.

~ by ibrianorme on May 19, 2007.

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